
Saturday, 5 February 2022

The race to replace meat - A report from Adam Vaughan (Fix the Planet at New Scientist)


Hi.  Many people don’t eat meat anymore, but they used to rely on it as my main source of protein. Many other people still do. But meat is also responsible for roughly twice the global greenhouse gas emissions as plant-based food and more nitrogen pollution than Earth can handle, as well as being a leading driver of illegal deforestation

So where else can we get our protein, without livestock’s environmental hangover? A host of alternative proteins are competing, from plant-based ones (currently mostly wheat, soy or pea-based options) and “lab-grown” meat to insects and microbes that make animal proteins. 

A food strategy commissioned by the UK government said last year that the country should develop alternative proteins. Today, alternative meat is worth just 1 per cent of the global meat industry, but some experts think it could reach 10 per cent by 2029.

This week’s Fix the Planet takes a closer look at some of the options and the potential pitfalls in the transition to alternative proteins. 
Lab-grown 'chicken' nuggest on sale in Singapore. Photo: Nicholas Yeo/AFP via Getty Images

Do we really need to shift to alternative proteins?
It’s worth saying that, in the UK at least, most people eat more protein than they need, about 50 per cent more on average than guidelines recommend. So we don’t need a completely like-for-like replacement for protein from meat. But looking beyond today to a world of 9 billion people in 2050 , Wendy Russell at University of Aberdeen, UK, says the status quo would require 465 billion kilograms of meat. That isn’t feasible in terms of land and water use, she says, let alone carbon emissions. “We really do need to change our diet,” says Russell.

Which alternatives are ready then? 
“There is no shortage of ideas around how we can get alternatives to meat,” says Guy Poppy at the University of Southampton, UK. You may have seen that lab-grown meat is on sale in Singapore. However, it’s the only place in the world where it’s been approved for sale so far, the nuggets cost about $23 for four and the bulk of them is made from plant protein. The UK regulator, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), says it has no applications lodged to sell lab-grown meat. Scaling up production of lab-grown meat remains hard.

By comparison, food with plant-based protein has proliferated, from the soy and wheat-based “facon” and other products now sold in supermarkets to the soy-based “bleeding” burgers of Impossible Foods. Insects are also on the agenda, with two applications placed with the FSA in the UK and the EU recently green-lighting yellow mealworms. Then there are companies pursuing other routes, such as UK-Dutch company Deep Branch, which plans to use carbon dioxide, microbes and fermentation to make animal feed that is lower carbon and uses less water than conventional feed. The firm is finishing a new facility, based in the Netherlands, in the next few weeks.

What about more far-out stuff?
One prospect is using gorse, a plant that is widespread in parts of the UK, especially Scotland. “Gorse is a really interesting plant because it’s actively being removed; people are using large amounts of herbicide and burning it back,” says Russell. “We know it was fed to cattle in the past. We do think protein from gorse could be used as animal food.” If protein isolates from gorse were shown to be safe, they could be considered for human food in the future too, she says. “It’s not off the cards.” Hemp also holds future promise as protein for humans, says Russell, who notes that several Scottish farmers have recently replaced cattle with growing hemp instead.

In the UK, no edible insects are currently approved for consumption, apart from a German cheese mite. However, there are two applications being reviewed by the FSA. Responding to criticism that UK regulations are holding back progress, Robin May at the FSA says: “We are really keen to do everything we can to get industry to get those products moving forward. The key point is they have to be safe and they have to approved.” I’ve also written before about stuff further down the line, such as the idea of a “Quorn of mussels” turning bivalves into more attractive food, such as a burger (you can read more on that idea in a recent peer-reviewed paper).

What are the potential downsides?
Arguably, the biggest one is that environmental gains from alternative proteins will be at the cost of people’s health, if processed alternative products add too much fat, salt and sugar. “In the rush forward, will plant-based proteins be the junk food of the future?” says Poppy. Ian Givens at the University of Reading, UK, says environmental benefits might be better considered in the context of the nutrition that meat alternatives offer. “I do wonder whether the way environmental impacts of food are currently judged should be more aligned to the nutritional contributions food makes," he says. For example, with milk, perhaps environmental cost could be measured per milligram of calcium, he says.

OK, how do we label products so people can choose alternatives that are good for the environment and their health?
“It’s extremely complicated,” says May. But he adds: “There is a real place for eco labelling.” The trickiness is in the science behind the labels – measuring emissions, how land for food production might alternatively be used, how products are shipped and so on. The difficulty also lies in how people use the labels: May says the average person spends just 6 to 7 seconds looking at a product when they’re shopping. For that reason, he thinks a traffic light scheme, akin to nutrition labelling, might work best. While the idea is a “a very active topic of discussion” between the FSA, food firms and government departments, May says there are no eco label plans “with a hard date” yet.

I totally agree with the last point, I am one of those people who tends to scrutinise the label of the product I want to buy but it is time consuming. A traffic light scheme is a great idea. As we all know we cannot totally trust some of the food firms to be completely open with the ingredients of the product. However, this is a small part of the overall plan and I think it is fantastic that there will be more to choose from.  I was pleasantly surprised the other day when I went to Lidl and saw the new range of vegan products on the shelves. Before there was a small section of vegetarian bits and bobs, but now there is almost a full refrigerated section for it.  
With regards to eating insects, well mm I dunno, that's a bit out there for me! The German cheese mite, see below! Let me know your thoughts!
 Cheese Mite Photograph by Clouds Hill Imaging Ltd
I think I'll take a pass on that one.  The mind boggles!

The blog song for today is: "Club Foot" by Kasabian.

Sunday, 30 January 2022

7 Signs That the Mainstream Has a Beef With Beef - a report from the Sierra Club






 7 Signs That the Mainstream Has a Beef With Beef

As the climate crisis intensifies, the plant-based lifestyle becomes increasingly conventional

Chances are you’ve heard the word “veganuary” bandied around lately. The 31-day pledge, in its third year running in the United States, calls on people to shirk dairy and meat this month; 95,000 Americans have signed on to date, a double digit increase from 2021. The campaign has been popular in part for its convincing marketing to the climate-aware set, such as Veganuary’s “Cut Your Carbon BigFootPrint,” which follows a sweet-faced Big Foot character, voiced by Babe farmer James Cromwell, as he bikes around and asks his adorable gnome and unicorn pals to taste-test vegan recipes 

The campaign’s popularity is just the latest sign that consumers are tuning in to the trade-offs that come with eating beef. According to Nielsen, almost 40 percent of Americans are making an effort to eat more plant-based foods. Meanwhile, a recent YouGov poll indicated 32 percent of Americans have resolved eat more plant-based foods in 2022. Science shows clear health benefits to eating a plant-based diet, including reducing inflammation, warding off infections, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Eating more plants and fewer animals is not only good for your health, it’s good for the planet. Animal agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, the United Nations IPCC reported that the feed production required to raise cattle and other livestock, coupled with the poor animals’ massive release of methane, harms the climate and threatens biodiversity more than the combined emissions from every plane, train, car, bus, and boat in the world. 

While as many as six percent of US consumers say they’re vegan—a six-fold increase compared to one percent in 2014—a plant-based lifestyle doesn’t necessarily require the “zero to hero” approach. In the US, 98 percent of people who buy plant-based meat also purchase conventional meat. Still, plant-based alternatives are becoming more accessible thanks to expanded distribution—according to the Good Food Institute, plant-based foods are a $7 billion market (a 27 percent jump from the prior year). And a Bloomberg Intelligence report predicts that sales of these alternative protein sources will increase fivefold by 2030.

One clear signal that this multi-billion dollar economy is gaining steam? Major corporations, like fast food giants and snack conglomerates, are clamoring for their slice of the pie. Burger King made waves in summer 2019 when it debuted the Impossible Whopper and Dunkin’ Donuts rolled out the Beyond Sausage Breakfast Sandwich (made possible by food scientists at several start-ups who’ve engineered juicy, plant-based burger products specially to look, taste, and "bleed" like real beef or mimic chicken, fish, eggs, and other animal products). While some sustainable-food advocates argue that “imitation meat” products perpetuate the problems of industrial agriculture—they're highly processed and often contain genetically modified ingredients—the fast food industry’s embrace of imitation meat makes it easier for vegetarians and flexitarians to find plant-based alternatives at highly accessible eateries. Earlier this month, KFC introduced limited-edition plant-based Beyond Fried Chicken nationwide, and Chipotle added plant-based chorizo to menus across the country. Not to be outdone, McDonald’s just announced its Valentine’s Day 2022 unveiling of the McPlant Burger. 

One clear signal that this multi-billion dollar economy is gaining steam? Major corporations, like fast food giants and snack conglomerates, are clamoring for their slice of the pie.

Don’t be fooled by any edenic menu language, though—these items are all highly processed and loaded with the usual barrage of toxins and sugar found in most products peddled by this industry. Even Cadbury recently came out with the Cadbury Plant Bar (it substitutes almond paste for the “glass and a half of milk” said to go into every Dairy Milk bar). Indeed, these corporations will waste no opportunity to co-opt a good thing. But at the same time, plant-based junk food presents ever-mounting evidence that the movement is real—and swiftly challenging traditional business models.

Here are seven more surefire signs that more consumers are opting out of Big Beef.

Food media is eating around the beef. As the clarion call for plant-based fare grows louder, the food world is responding—loudly. On April 26, 2021, Epicurious, Conde Nast’s powerhouse food digital brand, announced that beef would no longer appear in new Epicurious recipes, articles, newsletters, or even Instagram posts. “We think of this decision as not anti-beef but rather pro-planet,” wrote Epicurious editors. “Our shift is solely about sustainability, about not giving airtime to one of the world’s worst climate offenders.” On August 12 of last year, The New York Times released “The Veggie” newsletter and announced that it would be devoting more space in the digital “Cooking” section for plant-based recipes, reviews, and tips. (This following a 46 percent increase in vegetarian recipe page views in 2020.) Each week, the Veggie opens with an anecdote from the Times’ California-based restaurant critic and food columnist Tejal Rao on plant-based technique, cuisine, ingredients, and tips for readers interested in eating more plant-based.

Medical pros are on board. In a letter dated August 14, 2020, the American Medical Association asked the FDA to recommend that “dietary guidelines for Americans make meat and dairy optional.” (This was early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, and physicians were seeing worrying comorbidities in many patients, largely due to unhealthy diets.)

Restaurants are making plant-based fare way more accessible. Most of us are old enough to remember the days when vegetarians were lucky to find a token garden burger on a restaurant menu. Today, both modest and fancy sit-down restaurants are getting on board with plant-based fare. A few months ago, Michelin-Starred chef Marco Pierre added whole-cut vegan lamb and beef to the menus of his 22 steakhouses, spread across the UK. And then there’s the legendary Eleven Madison Park eatery, which shook up New York City’s food scene last June by reopening post-pandemic with a 100 percent plant-based menu.

Grocery stores are stocking their meat and dairy departments with plant-based provisions. Mainstream outlets like Publix, Harris Teeter, Kroger, and Trader Joe’s are increasingly carrying plant-based options like Beyond and Impossible “meat,” Miyoko’s vegan butter, JUST “eggs,” Good Catch “fish,” and Siggi’s coconut yogurt. Accordingly, ingredient suppliers for the alternative meat industry are seeing massive upticks in inquiries and demand—and in innovation. Take The Better Meat Co., which uses a microbial process to create protein-rich mycelium—fungi that mimics meat in texture and taste—and sells ingredients to major food companies like Hormel Foods and Purdue Farms (the latter uses it to make a half plant-based nugget product called Purdue Chicken Plus). Better Meat founder Paul Shapiro says his startup, since launching in 2018, can no longer keep up with demand. “Just like there are thousands of species of plants, there are thousands of species of fungi, and a group of startups are creating new ways of meat production that don’t rely on isolating plant proteins, but instead cultivating microbes,” Shapiro says. “Fungi have the power to solve so many of our problems, and this is one of them.”

Carbon labeling is on the rise. Move over, calorie counts. Plant-based companies like Quorn, makers of the first fungi-based meat alternative, and oat milk mavens Oatly, are leading the way in embracing carbon emission calculations. These brands self-disclose their emissions, but one day, we may see standardized labels on all food products—Carbon Trust research has found that two thirds of consumers support the idea of a recognizable way to demonstrate that products have been made with a commitment to measuring and reducing carbon output.

Celebrities are normalizing the plant-based lifestyle. The Rolodex of vegan celebrities is getting long—and in some cases, surprising. Big names like Beyonce, Lizzo, Bill Clinton, Stevie Wonder, and Zac Efron recently joined the ranks of vocal vegans like Natalie Portman, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Alicia Silverstone to sing the praises of a plant-based lifestyle’s health and planetary benefits. Sports celeb Tom Brady follows the “TB12” food regimen, which consists of 80 percent plant-based proteins. In late 2021, The Great British Bake Off producers had to answer to complaints about the fanfare of eggs, butter, and cream when its first vegan contestant, Freya Cox, joined in on the high-profile challenges.

A movement is underway to ditch dairy-free surcharges at cafes. Familiar with the internal refrain, “To make it an oat milk latte, or to not pay a buck more?” Same. It’s tough, because while the conventional dairy industry is responsible for four percent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions (mostly in the form of the especially noxious gas methane), plant-based milks are among products whose higher prices have traditionally posed an entry to the plant-based lifestyle. Not that they, like plant-based meat products, are beyond scrutiny—the data on the ecological integrity of alternative milk varietals is not robust (soy milk typically contains GMOs, for instance, and almond milk requires a lot of water to produce). However, plant-based options remain more eco-friendly with dairy, and many new alternative milk products are sourced with sustainability in mind. So it was notable last August when the coffee chain Blue Bottle announced that it was experimenting with making dairy-free milk its default go-to for cappuccinos, mochas, and other cafe treats, to “help consumers make for environmentally friendly choices.” And on January 5 of this year, following years’ worth of petitions to drop the vegan milk upcharge, Starbucks announced that it would finally remove the added charges for vegan milk substitutes—including oat, soy, coconut, almond, and the proprietary Starbucks Original Nut Blend—at locations across the UK. Considering the plant-based dairy industry is predicted to reach $32 billion by 2031, Starbucks, Blue Bottle, and other chains will likely benefit from making plant-based milk options more accessible to a rapidly growing plant-based consumer base. (Hopefully your neighborhood cafe follows suit, stat!)

Well that all sounds wonderful!. I must admit that I do prefer veggies to meat, but understand that not everyone is the same! We are fortunate here in Menorca to be able to source meat at 0km. It is important for me and my family to be able to support the local economy as well and to know that the animal has had a good and happy life means a lot. I do avoid certain meats and tend to eat more veggie based meals, but I do not expect the rest of my family to do the same.  On balance I would say that we do eat less meat than we used to and we do feel better for it.

The blog song for today is : "Prince Charming" by Adam and the Ants




"Precyclying" - a short explanation from the gang at

A report by: Taylor Ratcliffe, he is Earth911's customer support and database manager. He is a graduate of the University of Washington....