
Saturday, 3 September 2022

♻️ Ay煤danos a reciclar mejor! Papel y cart贸n馃數馃憞- #AyuntamientoDeCiutadella



♻️ Ay煤danos a reciclar mejor!

Papel y cart贸n馃數馃憞

S脥 ✅

Folios y libretas
Peri贸dicos y revistas
Papel de regalo y envolver
Sobres (sin ventanilla)
Folletos de publicidad.
Cajas y piezas de cart贸n
Envases (de cereales, galletas, comidas precocinadas y congeladas, comida r谩pida, zapatos, etc.).
Hueveras de cart贸n
Tubos de cart贸n del papel higi茅nico o de las servilletas de cocina

NO ❌

Papel manchado de grasas u otros residuos
Papel plastificado
Papel encerado o parafinado
Papel adhesivo o con restos de cola
Papel autocopiador o papel carb贸n
Papel de fax o fotogr谩fico
Toallas de papel
Productos de higiene 铆ntima usados
Bolsas de pl谩stico
Platos y vasos desechables
Bandejas de corcho blanco


1️⃣ Dobla o corta los papeles y cartones para que ocupen menos espacio dentro del contenedor.

2️⃣ No dejes cajas de cart贸n o residuos de papel al pie del contenedor. ¡Y mucho menos sin desmontar!

3️⃣ Si cuentas con el servicio de recogida comercial de papel y cart贸n, no utilices los contenedores azules de la calle.

4️⃣ Respeta los d铆as y horarios establecidos para la recogida comercial.

#AyuntamientoDeCiutadella #Ciutadella #Reciclemmejor
4 w


♻️ Help us recycle better!

Paper and cardboard馃數馃憞


Sheets and notebooks
Newspapers and magazines
Gift and wrapping paper
Envelopes (no window)
Advertising brochures.
Boxes and cardboard pieces
Packaging (for cereals, cookies, precooked and frozen meals, fast food, shoes, etc.).
cardboard egg cups
Toilet paper or kitchen napkin cardboard tubes

NO ❌

Paper stained with grease or other residues
laminated paper
Wax or paraffin paper
Adhesive paper or paper with traces of glue
Carbonless paper or carbon paper
Fax or photo paper
Paper towels
Used intimate hygiene products
Plastic bags
Disposable plates and cups
White cork trays


1️⃣ Fold or cut paper and cardboard so they take up less space inside the container.

2️⃣ Do not leave cardboard boxes or paper waste at the foot of the container. And much less without disassembling!

3️⃣ If you have a commercial collection service for paper and cardboard, do not use the blue containers on the street.

4️⃣ Respect the days and times established for commercial collection.

#Ciutadella City Council #Ciutadella #Recyclembetter

 I often find pizza boxes in the blue container, it's a shame that they cannot be totally recycled , however I would think it would be possible to recycle the bits that are not covered in grease!

The blog song for today is: "My way" by Sid Vicious


"Precyclying" - a short explanation from the gang at

A report by: Taylor Ratcliffe, he is Earth911's customer support and database manager. He is a graduate of the University of Washington....