
Saturday, 12 December 2020

Feel embarrassed about giving old worn out clothes to charity? Don´t be, there is a use for them!


Be sure to recycle unwearable clothing! - sustainable BALLARD 

Have you ever gone to put something the bag to give to the charity shop then felt embarrassed at the state of it? I have done, to avoid throwing any clothing away I have tried to re-use it, the main thing being cutting up for cleaning rags!

I was talking to a friend the other day and the subject of charity shops came up and in particular Caritas here on Menorca.  I was told not to worry about donating clothes that are in really bad condition because they get sorted out and sent onwards to Barcelona to be reused for the thread!  

What a great piece of information!

So the next time I do a sort out I know that I will be putting every last item to a good use!

I do give a lot of things to Caritas because I know that the money they earn will go to help people here on Menorca, so as they say "Charity begins at home".  

Just think if everyone who lived on Menorca gave 1 euro to one or a few of the charities here, what a difference that would make to people, or animals or both! Dream on!

The blog song for today is: "Give a little bit" by Supertramp


Thursday, 10 December 2020

Surviving the Australian bush fires

 Take a look at this little animal! So incredibly cute! They thought that they had all been wiped out in the awful fires in Australia last year but they have found some still alive! What fantastic news.

The Mountain Pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus) is one of five living species of pygmy-possum, all of which are classified within a single family. It is the largest of the pygmy-possums, and can be easily distinguished from other members of the family by its distinctive “buzz saw” premolar teeth.

Unlike most other possums, it is mainly ground-dwelling, inhabiting alpine and subalpine boulderfields and rocky scree in south-eastern Australia. Males and females spend most of the year separately. Females and their young occupy the best quality habitat.

The Mountain Pygmy-possum is also the only Australian marsupial that hibernates for long periods during the winter. Mating begins in early spring when the possums emerge from their winter sleep.


Up to four young are born. The young grow quickly and are weaned 9-10 weeks after conception. They leave the nest a month later. Most pygmy-possums live for only 1-3 years, however males can live to five years, and females to 12.

The Pygmy Possum that Pollinates Plants - Cool Australia

Types of Possums found in Australia - Pesky Possum Pest ... 

It is nice to have good news! 

My blog song for today is : "I will survive" - by Gloria Gaynor.


Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Homemade cleaning reusable wipes-

 Homemade antiseptic wipes

2 cups water

1 cup rubbing alcohol (at least 70% strength or if you just want to clean and not necessarily disinfect you can use vinegar

1 tbsp liquid detergent or washing up liquid

Micro fibre cloths

A large air tight jar, spray bottle, or size you’d like to use

6 drops lavender oil

Double or triple these amounts to make as much as you’d like.

Submerge cloths in liquid, secure lid and shake. 

Take out and use one at a time, or spray mixture and use cloths to clean surfaces. 

 DIY cleaning wipes

DIY Cleaning Wipes

The recipe below is not necessarily antibacterial and germ fighting, rather primarily focused on cleaning surfaces.

1 glass jar

4 cups warm water

2 tbsp. castile soap

10 drops lemongrass essential oil

10 drops lavender essential oil – or any other combo of oils you desire

Reusable cloth wipes


  1. Add 1/2 your water to the glass container
  2. Add your soap
  3. Add 10 drops of each oil and mix well
  4. Cut your reusable wipes in half
  5. Roll each one up and put into your container standing up as seen in pics above
  6. Add the rest of your water
  7. Close the lid tightly and shake well
  8. Use, rinse, put back into container and reuse over and over again! 

 I will be trying one of these out this weekend, they look great!

My blog song for today is "Lazing on a Sunday afternoon" by Queen




Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Electric Cars and the deception behind the "Green" Dream

 Europe and the Electric Car Revolution - EBM

Lately all we seem to hear about is electric cars (or EVs), saving the planet by cutting down emissions and all that other stuff.

But is it the answer?

In fact, building a battery pack for an EV is incredibly energy-intensive, and it takes significant mileage before the EV has worked off the CO2 released during its manufacture.

 At the moment there is a big problem with mining for Lithium in Portugal, in January 2020, a map began circulating among the various WhatsApp and Facebook groups set up by concerned residents. The map, put together by a local software developer specialising in cartography, appeared to confirm their worst fears. A tapestry of geometric shapes spread across the country’s interior, abutting designated nature reserves. A series of local and national protests, including a march in Lisbon last year, sought to raise awareness about the impacts of modern mining on the natural environment, including potential industrial-scale habitat destruction, chemical contamination and noise pollution, as well as high levels of water consumption. They also raised concerns about the impact on tourism – an economic mainstay for the country’s interior, with an annual turnover of €18.4bn in 2019. 

Apparantly the same problem is happening in Chile.

The urgency in getting a lithium supply has unleashed a mining boom, and the race for “white oil” threatens to cause damage to the natural environment wherever it is found. But because they are helping to drive down emissions, the mining companies have EU environmental policy on their side.

“There’s a fundamental question behind all this about the model of consumption and production that we now have, which is simply not sustainable. Everyone having an electric vehicle means an enormous amount of mining, refining and all the polluting activities that come with it.”

In addition, they will play little part in cleaning up toxic air which plagues our cities and towns. Particulate matter is one of the greatest threats to human health, with no safe levels. And research shows that 45% of it has been attributed to tyre and brake wear in London. Furthermore, they will not make our streets safer, less congested or more attractive places to move around.

The problem of the length of time it takes to recharge the battery is an issue also. It can be anything from 10-15 hours, so unless it is a hybrid then if you have an emergency don´t expect to jump in the electric car and go!

Rather than focusing on EVs, the governments should be doing everything it can to shift people away from driving, to healthy, clean alternatives such as walking and cycling for shorter journeys. This is the best way to reach a zero-carbon future. 

All governments need to put an end to building more roads for cars and instead make walking and cycling the easiest and most convenient options for more people. Pedestrians and people on cycles should have priority and networks of protected cycle lanes on main roads should be the norm so that everyone feels more confident travelling around.

Travelling around in big cities should be made by introducing more public transport at a really good price, we went to Prague last year and found the tram system to be really efficient, cheap and clean.  I am sure there are many more cities like this one!  There were very few cars in the city centre which can only be better for the health of everyone!

I suppose that in the long run then maybe electric cars are better than petrol/diesel ones, but at the moment the high cost of buying one, the amount of energy needed to produce one, along with the use of electricity (powered by conventional fossil fuels) outweighs the positive effects.

The blog song for today is:" Dazed and Confused" by Led Zepellin.





Monday, 7 December 2020

Jupiter and Saturn can be seen close together! December 21st

Great Conjunction 2020: Jupiter and Saturn Meet on Solstice

Rare Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on December 21—Closest Since the Middle Ages!

When: Monday, December 21, 2020

Planets occasionally pass each other in the night sky, but rarely this close. Faster-moving Jupiter laps Saturn every 20 years, but not since 1623 has there been a “great conjunction” or “appulse” this close. 

Even more impressively, not since 1226 has such a sight been this easily observable. To see the two planets just 0.06ยบ apart have a look to the southwest immediately after sunset. Don’t waste any time they’ll be sinking towards the horizon. 

Why does it happen on the exact date of the solstice? That’s essentially a celestial coincidence, though an inevitable one given the long-term celestial mechanics at play.

Great Conjunction Map

You don´t really need any special equipment but if you have binoculars they help!

 The blog song for today is "Starman" by David Bowie




Sunday, 6 December 2020

Update on the Cat Sanctuary of Ciutadella - New home

Great news, thanks to all the wonderful people who donated to my GofundMe page, 333 Euros has been raised so far.  I sent the money directly to their bank account and they confirmed they had recieved it!

If anyone wants to donate the page is still open!  Just go to the GoFundMe site and search for Cats - Ciutadella and it should appear!  

They also have a sterilisation programme in place to ensure that the cat population on Menorca does not get out of control, they are working with a group of vets to sterilise as many cats as possible.  When we adopted our two cats from the sanctuary they had both had their ops! 

Here are some photos of the work that has been carried out to make the place suitable for the cats to live in:

As you can see there is still quite a lot of work to do, but I am sure that they will accomplish it!  I hear they are looking for help with woodworking and other tradesmen! So if anyone can spare a bit of time and skill then please contact them on their Facebook page!

The blog song for today is "The Year of the Cat" by Al Stewart.


"Precyclying" - a short explanation from the gang at

A report by: Taylor Ratcliffe, he is Earth911's customer support and database manager. He is a graduate of the University of Washington....