
Thursday, 10 December 2020

Surviving the Australian bush fires

 Take a look at this little animal! So incredibly cute! They thought that they had all been wiped out in the awful fires in Australia last year but they have found some still alive! What fantastic news.

The Mountain Pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus) is one of five living species of pygmy-possum, all of which are classified within a single family. It is the largest of the pygmy-possums, and can be easily distinguished from other members of the family by its distinctive “buzz saw” premolar teeth.

Unlike most other possums, it is mainly ground-dwelling, inhabiting alpine and subalpine boulderfields and rocky scree in south-eastern Australia. Males and females spend most of the year separately. Females and their young occupy the best quality habitat.

The Mountain Pygmy-possum is also the only Australian marsupial that hibernates for long periods during the winter. Mating begins in early spring when the possums emerge from their winter sleep.


Up to four young are born. The young grow quickly and are weaned 9-10 weeks after conception. They leave the nest a month later. Most pygmy-possums live for only 1-3 years, however males can live to five years, and females to 12.

The Pygmy Possum that Pollinates Plants - Cool Australia

Types of Possums found in Australia - Pesky Possum Pest ... 

It is nice to have good news! 

My blog song for today is : "I will survive" - by Gloria Gaynor.


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