
Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Homemade cleaning reusable wipes-

 Homemade antiseptic wipes

2 cups water

1 cup rubbing alcohol (at least 70% strength or if you just want to clean and not necessarily disinfect you can use vinegar

1 tbsp liquid detergent or washing up liquid

Micro fibre cloths

A large air tight jar, spray bottle, or size you’d like to use

6 drops lavender oil

Double or triple these amounts to make as much as you’d like.

Submerge cloths in liquid, secure lid and shake. 

Take out and use one at a time, or spray mixture and use cloths to clean surfaces. 

 DIY cleaning wipes

DIY Cleaning Wipes

The recipe below is not necessarily antibacterial and germ fighting, rather primarily focused on cleaning surfaces.

1 glass jar

4 cups warm water

2 tbsp. castile soap

10 drops lemongrass essential oil

10 drops lavender essential oil – or any other combo of oils you desire

Reusable cloth wipes


  1. Add 1/2 your water to the glass container
  2. Add your soap
  3. Add 10 drops of each oil and mix well
  4. Cut your reusable wipes in half
  5. Roll each one up and put into your container standing up as seen in pics above
  6. Add the rest of your water
  7. Close the lid tightly and shake well
  8. Use, rinse, put back into container and reuse over and over again! 

 I will be trying one of these out this weekend, they look great!

My blog song for today is "Lazing on a Sunday afternoon" by Queen




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