
Saturday, 12 December 2020

Feel embarrassed about giving old worn out clothes to charity? Don´t be, there is a use for them!


Be sure to recycle unwearable clothing! - sustainable BALLARD 

Have you ever gone to put something the bag to give to the charity shop then felt embarrassed at the state of it? I have done, to avoid throwing any clothing away I have tried to re-use it, the main thing being cutting up for cleaning rags!

I was talking to a friend the other day and the subject of charity shops came up and in particular Caritas here on Menorca.  I was told not to worry about donating clothes that are in really bad condition because they get sorted out and sent onwards to Barcelona to be reused for the thread!  

What a great piece of information!

So the next time I do a sort out I know that I will be putting every last item to a good use!

I do give a lot of things to Caritas because I know that the money they earn will go to help people here on Menorca, so as they say "Charity begins at home".  

Just think if everyone who lived on Menorca gave 1 euro to one or a few of the charities here, what a difference that would make to people, or animals or both! Dream on!

The blog song for today is: "Give a little bit" by Supertramp


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