
Thursday, 29 October 2020

Who would shoot a cat with an air rifle and why?

 I cannot believe what I have just read in our paper for the island. Here on the island (probably the same all over the world) are small colonies of cats which local people look after as best they can, providing food and water each day to them.  One of these cats from a colony was shot with an air rifle, the pellet lodged in the lung of the poor thing and killed it.  A kind lady found the cat and rushed it to a local vet, but it was too late. An autopsy was carried out and that is how they found out what happened.  

Can anyone tell me what on earth would make someone do this?  When I read stories like this it makes me so ANGRY. We used to have a large population of stray cats on the island but then the animal welfare people started a neutering campaign and the numbers have dropped, so it is not like we are over run.  

Being an island, we rely an awful lot on tourists, when they come for the summer months it is great for everyone including the cats, but the cats get used to being fed by them and when the season is over, there is a void.  This is when the volunteers come in and often out of their own pockets, feed the cats. 

Another side to the story is that some residents with cats refuse to have them neutered (even though there are facilities available for free) and as a result more kittens arrive and the cycle goes on and on.

So even here on our wonderful island with the virgin beaches and biosphere we still have ignorant cretins with no respect for the other living creatures we share the planet with.

We have a very good system here in the supermarkets where you can leave donations in the form of a tin of food or bag of biscuits which the Protectora d´animales collects on a regular basis, so the people who do not like donating cash help in this way.

However, if you would like to help then my gofundme page is another option.Just go to the web site and search for ciutadella cats, it should be there! Even 5€ would be fantastic.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I am a bit wound up today.


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