
Saturday, 21 November 2020

Are Pringle Cans Recyclable?

 They are very popular everywhere but what happens when the tube is empty?  How do you dispose of it?



Pringles have been around for almost 50 years. Developed in 1967, the actual Pringle chips took some time to take off and it wasn’t until around the 1980s that they became a hit. Now they are sold in more than 140 countries.  

The problem with pringle containers is that they are not just made of one type of material. The majority of the package is made of composite material, foil-lined cardboard. In addition to the composite tube, the Pringle packaging has a plastic lid, a foil seal and a metal base. All these different materials in one small container make it difficult to recycle.    

The good news is that the manufacturer has set a goal for their packaging to be 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable. The bad news is that their goal is the end of 2025.

Here’s what you will need to do. Pull off the plastic lid, cut off the the top of the tube and the metal base, place all of these in your recycling bin.Then peel away the foil backing from the cardboard and that can then be recycled in the paper and metal bins.

So are Pringle cans recyclable? Unfortunately, because of the mix of materials, the answer is no. They are too difficult to recycle. 

However, as you can see from the photo above,with a bit of effort in separating the different materials it can be done.  It's quite good fun too.


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