
Monday, 21 December 2020

The future of recycling for Menorca!

 La recogida selectiva de residuos puerta a puerta es un sistema que ya está funcionando con éxito en muchos municipios de Mallorca y de la Península.


Yesterday there was an article in the local paper explaining about the new system of recycling that the powers that be will be introducing here on Menorca to tackle the ever increasing problem of waste!

It consists of providing households with containers for each type of waste which will be collected one, two or three times a week depending on what it is.

What a fantastic idea! The organic waste has its own bin (10Ltr Capacity), of course, which will be collected 3 times a week, the bin for plastic twice a week and the bins for paper and glass, once a week. 

The best bit of all this is that there will be a separate container for NAPPIES (Diapers) , animal waste and sanitary products. This type of waste can be placed directly in a special bin on the street in the bags provided, At last something will be done to separate these things from the main waste.  The amount of nappies in the landfill sites all over the world, not just in Menorca is absolutely staggering.  They take forever to rot down because of the wonderful amount of plastic and don´t forget about all the toxins in them that gradually make their way into the water supply.

They will be introducing this system in Mahon and Es Castell initially.

I think that this is a great step forward.

There is a separate system for hotels and restaurants etc.  This is the most important part because we residents can only do so much.  The problem is that when the tourists turn up and generate their waste, what will the system be then?  I really think that the hotels need to take a bit more responsibility for their guests by informing them that we do have recycling facilities here on Menorca.

I am fed up of seeing plastic bottle after plastic bottle in the green bin when about two minutes up the road in two directions are banks of recycling bins.  When I speak to tourists they give me the same old bulls**t, " I always do it at home but I am in a hurry today" good grief, what hurry!! they are on holiday for crying out loud!

People are saying that this is not our job to sort out our own stuff for recycling, that they should have someone at the rubbish site going through all the mountains of rubbish and taking out the different materials! Why should it be someone elses job to go through all that filth and sort out the plastic, glass and paper etc.  We bought it, we should separate it!  Or better still buy less plastic, go to the places where you can take your own empty containers and have them refilled.  There are shops here in Ciutadella where you can do this.

Sometimes I get a bit fed up hearing this attitude, we all pay IBI, we all pay for the bins, but that doesn´t mean that we can´t be proud of where we live and want to keep it nice and clean. It really doesn´t take much of an effort to do this. It´s not my job is not an excuse.

So I for one will be looking forward to this new system!

The blog song for today is: "Wish you were here" by Pink Floyd




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