
Wednesday, 23 December 2020

The never ending problem with dog owners not cleaning up after their dogs

 I saw this in Ciutadella this morning and I thought that it was brilliant!

It was near a childrens park in town and to be honest everyday when I walk by it there is an overwhelming smell of wee and piles of dog poo.  How can anyone let their kids play on the swings there when people are just letting their dogs poo and not clean it up!

It looks like I am not the only one because someone has gotten angry enough to print off and actually go and stick these things where they find some dog mess!

It is quite a big problem here and even though there are doggy parks where people can go and excercise their dogs they still don´t clear up after them! The council even put a doggy mess bin right outside the park.  

It got so bad at one point near where I live that I went and collected all the mess up and ended up with a plastic bag half full of it.  That was only a one block radius near our house.  It seems like it´s another one of those "that´s what we pay our IBI and bins for" attitude, which is a bit pathetic, no one likes to pick up dog mess, but when it is your own dog then it has to be done.  

Tourism is very important to Menorca and it really looks bad when on every street there is a lot of dog mess along with the health hazard!  I should imagine in the main towns it can be a big problem with the hot summer weather. Maybe when the new rubbish collection system starts we may see a change in the amount of mess everywhere!  I hope so!

The blog song for today is: "Stuck in the middle with you" by Stealers Wheel.



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