
Saturday, 27 February 2021

Beach Cleanup on Sunday 21st February -60 Kilos and Plastics Exhibition at El Roser, Starts Tuesday 2nd March

 Here are some photos of the beach cleanup that Per La Mar Viva carried out last Sunday 21st February at the Zone of Faro Nati.

Considering there were only 6 people, I think they did a really fantastic job!



I wonder if those wheels are from a motorcyle and if it is the same one that we found bits for on the beach at La Vall!!











There is also an exhibition starting from Tuesday 2 March at El Roser, in Ciutadella, running until 7th April. The timetable is:Monday to Saturday 10.30 to 13.00 then 17.30 to 20.00.

 : 971 383 563

Come along and see what a great job this organisation is doing for us here on Menorca, and subsequently our wonderful home called Earth.

Despite having our green bin outside our house filled to the brim with someone´s old tat that they can´t be bothered to take to the proper place, I still think there are more people who care for our little Island and our world.  Sometimes it is hard to believe it.  I wouldn´t mind but you can see they were on the poligono because they went to the woodyard and bought some wood, it would have been so easy to drop off their stuff to the recycling place, it is literally around the corner. I suppose their reasoning is that they pay 70euros a year for the rubbish collection, it´s not their job to do it.  

The next moan today is the big pile of dog poo which was left on the pavement, in front of an apartment block, on a busy street corner and near a cafe!  Two weeks and one day it was there, nobody bothered to clean it up, despite someone obviously treading on it (there was a nice footprint).  You would think that if the street cleaners didn´t clean it up then maybe one of the residents of the apartment block would have thought to themselves "I know it´s not my job but it´s been there over a week now and it looks like it will be there longer, I will get rid of it because it is a health hazard and I am proud of where I live and want it to look nice".  No way, not one person. No wonder the planet is in such a mess, many people have this attitude, if only they could see that it just makes things worse.

The blog song for today is " Don´t look back in anger" by Oasis.


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