
Thursday, 22 April 2021

Earth Day is here! Let´s do something special!

Earth Day is Almost Here! - TreesCharlotte














 Here are more top tips for today Thursday 22 April 2021

1. Have you updated your light bulbs yet? There are a lot of different options out there that you can choose from, and most of them are much more environmentally friendly than what we grew up with. Changing them can save you a lot of time, money, and energy.

2. Put together an activity for your community if there isn’t one going on. Organize an event, do a community clean up, or put together a fair if there isn’t one already there.

3. Consider adopting a street. Our roads get a lot of litter and junk on them on a regular basis, and there are roads all over the country that do not have what they need when it comes to people that can clean them. Go with your work or group of friends to take care of things. A lot of people that I know always carry a bag with them just in case they see any litter lying around! It is amazing how much is collected like this!

4. Take some time to work with your local school. Local schools need all of the help that they can get when it comes to figuring out the best way to get kids more interested in the environment and its care.

5. Take initiative to make sure that your workplace is more environmentally friendly. See what you can do in order to make it just a little bit easier on everyone when it comes to getting involved with caring for the environment. Do research on recycling and get everything in order so you can all do your part.

Everyone can do something! it doesn´t matter how small, it will make a difference!  The main objective of  Earth Day is to encourage all year round activities and to keep reminding people of the mess that we are in at this time.

If you are reading my blog then you are more than likely doing all and maybe more of my suggestions to help in the battle to save our planet from ourselves!  The two things I will be doing extra today are leaving the car at home and walking into town and making today another meat free day!

The blog song for today is:" All over the World" by ELO.




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