
Saturday, 17 April 2021

Earth Day is nearly here: part two












More activities that we can all do not just for earth day,but all year round!

1. Do your taps leak? If so, did you know that this wastes a lot of water on a yearly basis? If you haven’t done so yet, then you may want to look into how you can go ahead and get started with it during the next year. I know all about this one, we have just had to run a new supply from the main water supply into our house because there was a hole in a pipe somewherein the garden. It was impossible to detect where it was, so to quickly rectify the situation we decided to run a new supply, thankfully that solved the problem.

2. Plant a tree. Trees are a big part of our earth, and planting one will just add to the health and wellness of the world that we live in.

3. Join a group that is focused on taking care of the environment and see how you can help. It can get your family involved and excited about everything that is available. Here on Menorca I am involved with Per La Mar Viva who carry out many beach and sea clean up operations throughout the year.

4. Go to a local event. A lot of communities will have an “Earth Day fair” or something similar that your family can enjoy together and learn from.

5. Stop drinking bottled water! There are plenty of alternatives out there and, if you stop drinking bottled water, you can save a lot of plastic that would, otherwise, be filling up landfills and dumps.

6. Consider making your yard an oasis for birds and other creatures. You can put in a bird feeder, install birdhouses, put in a bird bath, and more. By making it comfortable for them, they will be more likely to stick around.  Over the years we have attracted many lizards and small creatures to our garden by building rockeries and little hidey holes that they can live in, it is very rewarding when they all come out again in Spring.

7. Help kids learn about the environment by installing a play garden. These can help children to start to fall in love with nature while also being a lot of fun and helping them to get their hands a little bit dirty at the same time.

 I hope that some of these ideas are useful!

The blog song for today is:" The way you do the things you do" by the Temptations



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