
Saturday, 31 July 2021

the almost impossible mission to buy fruit juice in glass bottles - on Menorca

For quite some time now, as you know, I have been on a mission to reduce the amount of plastic I buy.  One of the main ones has been drinks!  Water is the main one, because the water here is not drinkable and to have one of those osmosis machines at the moment is not environmentally friendly because of the amount of water that I would waste to make 1 ltr of drinkable water.  It is a catch 22 situation, what do I do reduce the amount of plastic I buy or waste water? Until the authorities here get their act together and provide drinkable water to every household on Menorca ,we only have those two choices. Maybe the osmosis machines will improve in the future and not so much water will be wasted. There is the option of the Brida filter but, I am not so sure of how reliable it would be with the water here!

The other bugbear is fruit juice!  I have been around most of the supermarkets here and can report the following:

Diskont: I found 4 juices in glass bottles - Bio Pineapple and orange, a white grape and a purple grape.

Nou Mercat- the gourmet range -  3 - orange, peach, pineapple

Eroski Syp - only white and purple grape juice

Spar Allorens - the clear winners with their fantastic bio range - more or less 10 different types, the prices are fair too.

Here is their webpage:

Lidl - sadly Zero

Dia - the same as Lidl

Mercadona - I don´t shop there at all.

 The great thing about the Spar shop is that it is a Menorcan family owned chain of stores.  They have a great range of bio products and their fruit and vegetables are very good. I really like the bakery section, especially the cakes! They also offer a loyalty card. I try to support local businesses as much as possible.

The Consell de Menorca have launched a great scheme to try to give support to local producers and businesses on the Island, Its very easy to join.  Register and download the coupons which can be spent in many businesses on the island, there is a minimum amount of 34euros you need to spend to get 10euros off, however I think it is a very good idea and I have already downloaded my coupons.

logotip Menorca Vals

  visit the website to find out more!

The blog song for today is: " Golden touch" by Razorlight


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