
Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Update on the NZ deep sea mining moratorium from Greenpeace


Here is a message from Greenpeace, I have been following what has been happening over the world and New Zealand is one of the many countries involved in this horrible way of mining.  Greenpeace over there have been battling on to get things changed but it is slow going.  I really believed that New Zealand was one of the better countries regarding the environment but I was very saddened to read what happened when they had the chance to do the right thing.  You willl read it below.
Kia ora,

Kei te pēhea koe? (How are you?)

The last few weeks have been challenging for many across Aotearoa New Zealand so I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well wherever you are across the country.

I wanted to share some exciting national and international news on the issue of deep sea mining. You may have heard recently about the overwhelming support from delegates at the IUCN World Conservation Congress who voted in support of a global moratorium on deep sea mining.

This is great news! However, the New Zealand Government who is represented at the IUCN World Conservation Congress by the Department of Conservation (DOC), abstained from voting!

I am so disappointed to see the New Zealand Government opt out of supporting the deep sea mining moratorium [1]. Deep sea mining is one of the greatest threats our oceans face at the moment, especially in the Pacific.

We don’t have time anymore to simply abstain from voting. We need the Government to take a leadership position on deep sea mining by supporting the moratorium especially when we are a Pacific country.

The relevance of the moratorium’s support is even more important following a decision by Nauru to trigger the “two-year rule” which means the International Seabed Authority is required to allow seabed mining company “Nauru Ocean Resources Ltd (NORI)” to begin mining in two years’ time under whatever regulations have been established by then.

We’ve been calling on the New Zealand Government to ban all seabed mining - more than 22,000 people have signed the petition but we urgently need your support too!
SIGN THE PETITION >> at Greenpeace

Well my friend, if you are in level 2, may you reconnect with family, friends and neighbours. If you’re in level 4 still like I am, kia kaha, kia manawanui. Be strong, let’s persevere together. 

Ngā mihi,


I hope that you can spare some time to sign the petition, it does not matter where you live in the world, it is all about support and putting pressure on governments.


Keep up the great work Greenpeace and everyone in our world who are trying to make the world a better place for future generations.

The blog song for today is : "Jennifer Juniper" by Donovan




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