
Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Peta UK victories for animals - latest updates


Victory! parkrun Says No to ‘Crappy’ Eggs

Following pressure from concerned consumers, a focussed campaign by the Vegan Runners group, and a PETA investigation that revealed the cruelty behind the “Happy” Egg Co, community running organisation parkrun has confirmed that it has cut ties with the controversial sponsor.

We’ve always been big fans of parkrun, but we were disappointed when we discovered that the weekly runs were sponsored by this “crappy” egg company. That’s why PETA – and over 13,000 of our supporters – sent a message to parkrun’s CEO urging him to find an animal-friendly sponsor.

Now that the Happy Egg Co’s sponsorship is over, well-intentioned participants can run guilt-free.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this important victory possible!

Why PETA Urged parkrun to Drop the Happy Egg Co

PETA and well-intentioned consumers were saddened to discover that parkrun was sponsored by animal suffering.

The Happy Egg Co, owned by Noble Foods, is one of the largest “free-range” egg producers in the UK. The company’s marketing materials present idyllic scenes in which chickens are given acres of green fields to explore and foliage and trees to play in. This leads caring consumers to believe that its products come from “happy hens”.

Expectations vs. Reality of chickens on farms supplying the Happy Egg Co

Crappy Eggs, Not Happy Eggs

In a PETA investigation, we filmed “free-range” hens in filthy, extremely crowded sheds. Most, if not all, of the birds had been subjected to routine mutilation – part of their beaks was cut off. Many had red, raw, and bleeding wounds, likely from pecking out each other’s feathers as a result of being stressed, frustrated, and kept in unnatural conditions.

The hens on farms that supply the Happy Egg Co are certainly not happy.

Earlier this year, PETA reported the brand to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for duping caring consumers with misleading marketing materials that depict happy hens in lush green fields.

We were disappointed, however, that the ASA chose not to uphold valid comments made by PETA and the public despite being provided with horrific images and video footage that proved the reality for hens was far from the fantasy presented by the brand.

What You Can Do

Don’t be duped. The only label that guarantees an animal-friendly product is “vegan”. The best way to help these intelligent animals is to stop eating animal-derived foods, including eggs. Reducing demand for their eggs will help prevent chickens from being forced to live – and die – in these heartbreaking conditions.

PETA Celebrates as More Sponsors Cut Ties With the Grand National Disgrace

After hearing from PETA and our supporters, more major Grand National sponsors have followed Chi Chi London’s lead and cut ties with the cruel race! Thank you to the latest companies – Ryanair, Close Brothers Group, and Pertemps – for withdrawing their financial support. PETA is celebrating their compassionate decision and can’t wait to see who will be next.

Thank you to everyone who sent a message to the companies. These actions make a difference!

The Grand National Disgrace

It’s a national disgrace that since 2010, 29 horses have died during or because of the race.

Horses used for racing often die of fatal injuries such as broken backs or are killed after sustaining broken legs. At Becher’s Brook, aptly nicknamed the “killer fence”, horses have slammed face-first into the ground and collided with each other, breaking necks, backs, and legs.

Horses who survive end the race exhausted and often injured.

Cruel Indifference to Horses

At the end of their racing days, horses are often discarded like used betting slips – dumped with rescue charities already dealing with many cast-offs, shot at stables, or sold to be slaughtered for their flesh.

Last year, “The Dark Side of Horse Racing” on BBC One’s Panorama revealed that every year, thousands of horses formerly used for racing in the UK and Ireland are sent to the abattoir.

A PETA exposé showed that the majority of horses from around the world who are sold to the South Korean racing industry – and their offspring – are violently killed and sold for meat when they’re deemed no longer useful.

Who Will Be Next?

This race will continue as long as sponsors keep supporting it, but more and more companies are cutting ties. Help us urge the remaining 2022 sponsors to follow the lead of Chi Chi London, Ryanair, Close Brothers Group, and Pertemps and stop their financial support.

The blog song for today is: "Money"by Pink Floyd






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