
Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The confusion that surrounds recycling plastic (it´s exasperating to the say the least)

I recently had my little bubble burst after watching a series on Netflix called "Broken",

one of the episodes was all about recycling plastic and the disaster that we have all
helped to cause.  I did not realise that not all plastic can be recycled and am investigating what
can actually be recycled after the collection from the bins.

It came as a nasty shock to me about how little is actually truly recycled and not sold and shipped
off to another country for disposal there (whatever that means) or dumped in a landfill site.
It was a big eye opener and at the end I felt a bit disheartened about all the bloody years I have been recycling stuff thinking it was helping the environment.

But after I had calmed down I realised that I had been dealing with it all wrong, I have already drastically cut down on all the plastic waste I makebut will start to check the numbers
in the triangles on the product I may buy to see if it can actually be recycled. If not then I will buy a product that is.  

It´s a bit time consuming but I feel very strongly about this and want to do it.

I have noticed however that different countries seem to have different systems, so more to look into.

It has become glaringly obvious to me that the companies who sell products to us in plastic containers have shifted the responsibility of dealing with plastic waste onto us -the consumers!when in fact they are the ones who want us to buy the products so therefore they should bear most of the responsibility to ensure that the containers can be recycled.

I, as a consumer have the means to change this balance by boycotting companies who sell products in non-recyclable containers, reducing their profits and making them rethink.  

I am absolutely sick and tired of companies making loads of money and ignoring their part in the devastating ruination of our beautiful planet.

I will be looking into how the Spanish recycling system works (or doesn´t) especially here on Menorca, watch this space..

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