
Sunday, 25 October 2020

The war against Palm Oil

For over a year now I have been at war with Palm Oil, yes it does make chocolate taste better and all the other wonderful things it does, but at what cost?  For the sake of a bloody chocolate buscuit whole villages have been destroyed along with natural animal habitats, I for one think that we should all be thoroughly ashamed of ourselves, but attempting to slow down the effects of the cultivation of Palm Oil is not going as it should. 

I am a choco addict (after 8 mints are my weakness) but for me the cost is too high for a moment of pleasure, which really is not a matter of life and death, unlike what is happening in many parts of the world.

I only thought that Palm Oil was in food stuffs, WRONG, it is in just about everything. Palm oil will not always be labeled as such. In most countries, it can pass under the term "vegetable oil." If you're looking at toothpaste, shampoo, detergent, lotion, mascara, or any other item, then palm oil will likely take the form of a derivative like glycerin, emulsifiers, stearates, etc.

For more info try these pages:

Just cutting down on one product that contains Palm Oil and switching to one that doesn´t can make a difference, I have noticed that there are more products with "No Palm Oil" on the packaging on the shelves so it is working!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, whatever you are up to, we have a lovely day here in Menorca so I may go for a walk.

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)




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