
Tuesday, 10 November 2020

At last some clarity of those awful hard to read triangles with teeny tiny numbers inside



I have come across this information and it is very interesting.

The aim of this symbol is to tell you what kind of plastic the product is made from, with seven different numbers and letters to help you figure out

1. PET – short for Polyethylene Terephthalate which is widely recycled

2. HDPE – short for High-Density Polyethylene and is also widely recycled

3. PVC – short for Polyvinyl Chloride - capable of being recycled but is harder to do so. Before placing in your recycling bin, check with your local authority whether it is a material they can recycle.

4. LDPE – short for Low-Density Polyethylene - capable of being recycled, but it’s a good idea to check with your local authority to check it can be recycled.

 5. PP – short for Polypropylene -material is very hard or not possible to recycle. Can be found in tupperware, disposable cups, and some food containers.

6. PS – short for Polystyrene or Styrofoam - material also hard or not possible to recycle. Used in disposable coffee cups, plastic cutlery and packing foam.

7. Other – this is usually a mish mash of lots of different plastics, which means it is difficult to recycle.

So here in Menorca listed on the leaflet I downloaded from the official recycling plant website it says we can recycle polystyrene but according to the list above it is very difficult or not possible to.  A little confusing.  I think I will send an email and see what they say! So it looks like 1 and 2 are the clear winners! (forgive the pun).

The song for the blog today is:  Pink Floyd - "Set the controls for the heart of the sun" Break out the wrangler flares and flowery shirts!




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