
Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Changing my shopping habits to avoid plastic

 I must admit I have changed my shopping habits to use a supermarket that have promised and made changes to their usage of plastic. That supermarket is Lidl.

Here is a section from their website;

"Far from settling for being the first supermarket chain to eliminate plastic shopping bags in Spain, Lidl was also a pioneer in dispensing with plastic bags in the fruit and vegetable section to introduce 100% compostable bags instead. The implementation of this project has meant the reduction of up to 220 tons of plastic per year.

Beyond this, and with the aim of continuing to promote the use of reusable materials, Lidl was also the first company in the sector to introduce a new mesh bag as a test in the fruit and vegetable section of its stores in the Balearic Islands: a 100% recyclable alternative, which can be washed and reused as many times as desired, and which has a resistance of up to 5 kg. Thanks to its great reception, in 2020 Lidl deployed its new mesh bag in the fruit and vegetable section of all its establishments in Spain. Within this same section, it is also worth noting the increase in the number of bulk references and the new 100% compostable packaging of our BIO fruit and vegetables.

Another of the actions included within our REset Plastic strategy is the elimination of all single-use plastic items. In 2019, for example, we already replaced crockery, straws and cotton buds for the ears with other more sustainable alternatives (in the latter case, by cellulose swabs with which we avoid up to 65 tons of plastic per year)"
I can confirm that this is exactly what they have done here in the stores in Menorca and the public here have reacted well, what a great idea with the mesh bags, one of our local supermarkets have done the same too!
I think they are doing a great job and hope they can introduce more of these innovative ideas.
I have been looking into the system of recycling here on Menorca and am waiting for more information.
I hope to be able to go and visit the recycling centre and see for myself how it all works, fingers crossed on that one!  
So what we as consumers need to do is to buy less products stored in plastic because even if it can be recycled the oil companies are just going to keep making more.  Just because its got the triangle on the container does not mean it can be recycled.  Trying to find definitive information on what those numbers actually mean is not easy. I thought 1,2 and 5 were good to go and the rest 3,4,6 and 7 were not, if anyone knows any different let me know!
If you want to read an interesting article go to this page:
thats it for today, apart from my blast from the past song - Ballroom Blitz by Sweet

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