
Saturday, 14 November 2020

Recycling for rewards with Reciclos, what is all that about then?

There is a recent initiative here in Menorca (maybe elsewhere I´m not sure) which rewards you for recycling plastic.  I did try and register some months ago without any luck.Yesterday I was successful and have started to scan and recycle.  At this moment I have only had success scanning tins of coca cola, bottles of  fruit juice and 1.5ltr bottles of water.  

After creating my account, I opened the app, used the scanning facility to pass my phone camera over the bar code of the item to be recycled.  If it is accepted a number will appear next to the bottle/can icon on the right hand side of the screen.  When you have ten (or more maybe) of these you can put them in the recycling bin.

I went to the bin, followed the instructions on the app, gave permission once to access my location, then scanned the code on the outside of the bin, and put the items in the bin! 

It all seems like it is designed to make the consumer buy more plastic!

 I feel an investigation about to take place!

Watch this space!

 Blog song of the day "Spanish Caravan" by The Doors





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