
Friday, 8 January 2021

Home made draught excluder made from recycled stuff


It is really cold here at the moment!  Freezing and we are frantically searching the house for any draughts coming in.  The front door is particularly blowy, mainly because of the catflap, we have tried in the past to use that stuff that they sell which you put around the door frame and it is supposed to make a seal, what a load of rubbish!  After a while it comes off and sticks to the door or gets all twisted up! and the door won´t shut properly.  A curtain is a great idea if you don´t have a catflap, I suppose we could cut out the shape of the flap from the curtain, which defeats the object a bit!  

So my hubby had a brainwave and using some masking tape (the stuff that you put around glass windows to stop paint getting on them) and placed it around the edge of the door:  It is very cheap and works a treat, the only thing is that when it is really windy the door makes a sound like someone breaking wind!  

For the bottom I am going to attempt to make an excluder from old towels and sheets.  It involves some sewing and cutting up of  materials. Watch this space for the great unveil!

We used to have a really cool one which we bought in Gretna Green, when we got married! but it eventually went past the point of no return and we had to say bye bye!  So we are missing one! I don´t think that the one I make will be as good (it was in the shape of a sausage dog) but I will give it my best shot.

 The blog song for today is: "Waiting for the sun" by The Doors.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip! Will come in handy for our house since there is a draft coming in from the terrace! ❤️


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